Union Bosses Are Secretly Meeting with Biden
Dear Right to Work Supporter:
The battle in Congress over forced unionism and the so-called "Card Check" scheme is heating up dramatically, and it's vital I have your help today.
As I write you today, right now, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are meeting behind closed doors with ALL of America's top AFL-CIO union brass at their "Executive Council" meeting in Miami, Florida.
My sources tell me at the top of the agenda is how to ram the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill through Congress as soon as possible.
As you know, this disastrous compulsory unionism power grab would eliminate the secret ballot in workplace unionization drives and would subject millions of American workers to union intimidation and demands to pay union dues or be fired from their jobs.
Make no mistake -- giving union bosses even more compulsory unionism power in the middle of an economic crisis is a prescription for disaster. And giving union bosses hundreds of millions of dollars in additional compulsory union dues will enable them to gain a hammerlock on Congress for years to come.
You can bet the Pelosi-Reid Congress won't give us advanced notice of their strategy.
The intelligence I'm picking up from union websites suggest that Congressman George Miller (D-CA) intends to introduce Card Check Forced Unionism next week and put it on a fast track.
Once the bill is introduced, it could come to a floor vote at any time. That's why it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT we have your support NOW!
The 2.2 million member National Right to Work Committee may not have much time left to galvanize the American public against this forced unionism power grab. We are already ramping up our targeted mail, email, and phone mobilization to bring grassroots pressure to bear against the critical swing votes in the U.S. Senate.
Frankly, I believe we CAN ultimately stop this bill in the Senate and strike a major blow against Big Labor's overreach. But it won't be easy.
There's no time to lose.
Will you make a gift of $100, $200, or even $500 to help the National Right to Work Committee mobilize Americans against this draconian bill - before it's too late?
If that seems like a lot, please give $75, $50, $25 or any amount you can spare. Whatever you do, please don't delay. Click here to join our cause now.
Your support and involvement could very well be the difference between holding a Senate filibuster... or giving a green light for Big Labor to force millions more Americans into their forced dues-paying ranks.
Mark Mix, President
National Right to Work Committee
P.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are in a secret strategy meeting right now with top AFL-CIO union brass, as they plot to ram through the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.
Union boss allies in Congress intend to reintroduce this disastrous forced unionism power grab in a matter of days and put in on the fast track. The National Right to Work Committee must have the resources to mobilize grassroots America to sustain a Senate filibuster.
That's why it's vital you make a $500, $200, $100, $50, or $25 contribution to the National Right to Work Committee today.
Please click here to contribute to the National Right to Work Committee now.
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