Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who's responsable for AIG, Wallstreet crash

I think people need to get a grip and quit threatening people who work for AIG. Congress approved the bonuses and with the help of the liberal media is trying to pass the blame on AIG and others. It is Congress that as passed these massive spending bills with out even reading them that is the problem!

If you want to punish someone for our current problems then you should have voted the Democrats out of office and not elected Obama last fall. The Democrats have controlled Congress for the last two years. Since it is too late for that now we need to take our anger out on Congress and the White House, let them know you are not happy at all with what they are doing! You need to see some of my previous posts like:

The men who brought down Wall Street Let me give you a clue, they were all Democrats!

The Sub - Prime disaster the Democrats caused this too.

Presidential Election Where I warned about some of what would happened if Obama got elected and the Democrats control both houses. Actually it has been worse than I imagined..

Ann Coulter lays it out that Wall Street is Democrat territory, these big bankers are NOT
Republicans or conservatives. On second though maybe we should punish them too.

Gordon Gekko is a Democrat

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Obama Confirms Illegal Alien Amnesty Coming Soon

Click Here To Donate

Last Wednesday, Obama promised Hispanic Caucus an Illegal Alien Amnesty Coming Soon!

Pelosi calls enforcement "un-American"

Help us Smash Amnesty and "re-educate" Pelosi


Last week was hell week for immigration enforcement. If you care about this issue, please read this entire email carefully, and then take every step your friends here at NumbersUSA ask. Here's the update:
1. On Wednesday, President Obama seemed to rent out his immigration policy to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Mexican government.

2. And on Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was caught on tape saying that immigration enforcement agents are "un-American" when they acted to enforce the laws.

Maybe you'll want to rub your eyes two or three times and re-read the above paragraphs.

Statements like "renting out" his foreign policy to the Mexican government are pretty alarming. We at NumbersUSA are usually careful to avoid heated rhetoric.

But read the details on the NumbersUSA web site, and you'll see while I HAVE to let off some steam this time!

Need to learn more about NumbersUSA? Go here.
Click Here To Donate

After spending the first weeks of his term engulfed by the financial mess, Obama has decided it's time to make nice with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. He met with them Wednesday in California. After the meeting, the White House issued a press release saying Obama promised the Hispanic Caucus to push ahead soon with the same "Immigration Reform" i.e. Illegal Alien Amnesty that McCain and Kennedy were promoting back in 2007.

Obama also said he would soon be traveling to Mexico soon to meet with Mexico's President Calderon to work out U.S. immigration policy. That sounds like Obama is going to let the country responsible for sending us the most illegal aliens re-write America's immigration laws. What's next?

And did you hear about the House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi's wild statement last Saturday? She called our immigration enforcement officials "un-American" for daring to deport some illegal aliens. (This was actually caught on tape.) Aren't we supposed to be deporting illegal aliens?

Do you see where this is heading? The administration and Democratic leaders in Congress have removed all doubt about where they stand.

Amnesty for the 11-12 million illegal aliens is inevitable, unless we act now.

Please take all these actions today:
1. Go to Send a no-cost fax telling the President Obama that you will never agree to an Illegal Alien Amnesty.

2. Phone the White House switchboard and tell them what you think! White House switchboard number is: 202-456-1414. And call your members of Congress (we provide phone numbers here. Let's break the switchboards today!

3.Make a gift to NumbersUSA so that we can ramp up our efforts right now, as the fight grows deadly earnest.

I need 2,000 of our citizens dedicated to U.S. border enforcement to Click Here To Donate and donate in the next 24 hours. NumbersUSA's members sent 167,000 faxes yesterday alone! This wonderful service is free of charge to our members, but obviously it costs us money.
If this is your first donation, even better! At least 1/3 of the 2,000 donations we need in the next 24 hours must come from friends who have never given before.

So please, click and help us this month. We've got our perfect record on stopping illegal alien amnesties to protect. And it's time to "take the fight to the enemy!"
Click Here To Donate

NOTICE: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.


Vice President, Operations
Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stop The Spending petition

I have just signed the "Stop The Spending" petition which opposes
the Obama budget with $1.6 trillion in new taxes, an oppressive
carbon tax and unprecedented deficits for years to come.

Petitions will be delivered soon to Congress -- and a vote
is expected within days. Please go here to join me in signing:


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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

If you are interested in Academic Freedom of speech or Intelligent Design v Darwinism You NEED to see this movie. Yes, it is a documentary but it is not at all boring and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Netflix.

This is the description of the movie

Hosted by Ben Stein, this controversial documentary examines how pro-intelligent design scholars and scientists are often chastised, fired or denied tenured positions by those who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. Nathan Frankowski's film explores how scientists who believe in God are oppressed and how the acceptance of evolution may have played a role in the formation of organizations such as the Nazi regime and Planned Parenthood.

Ben talks about how people who have even mentioned Intelligent Design in a talk or a paper have been persecuted by the pro-Darwinists! It reminds me a lot of the Global warming/climate change (by definition climate changes!!) supporters who are comparing anyone who dares question their bogus facts to Holocaust deniers.

There are several things in this movie to cover that I don't know I can remember them all. First although scientist mostly agree that theory of evolution fits the facts, none of them have figured out HOW LIFE BEGAN in the first place to evolve.
3 theories; 1 that precursor chemicals in the "primordial soup" were some how energized and became proto-life that evolved. 2. some how weird crystals shaped the proto-elements into proto-cells that evolved. 3. Life was seeded here by some alien (which absolutely can not be God because there is no God!)
#1 has never been proven in any experiment.
#2 same as above, both are given odds of it happening on the order of one hundred thirty trillion to one, essentially a 0 chance. Ever seen one trillion written out? 130,000,000,000,000 / 1

#3 Aliens!! Could be aliens but not God! Do I have to explain how absolutly absurd that is? These goof balls will accept aliens before they will admit God exists. If the "aliens" created life on Earth, where did the aliens come from??? Some where, some how life had to start!

Ok, I will admit that God has to be taken some what on faith and that is what gives the science people fits because they can't accept anything they can't prove. I know God exists but my proof is some what subjective. See my testimony page:
Scott's Testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Another point he made that the knowledge and idea of a cell compared to Darwin's day to our understanding of the complexity of a cell today would be on the order of comparing a mud hut to a Saturn 5 rocket.

The other theme of the video is Academic Freedom, and that is a great concern these days. Whether it is freedom of religion, political expression, science theory/thought our education system and academic research, free speech should reign. There should not be suppression of people's speech although we increasingly see it on campus and the media these days. It is increasingly politically incorrect to take a conservative view points, express a religious view point, disbelieve in the global warming hoax or have any sort of moral code. It should not be, and we must fight against it especially with the politically left in power trying to subdue any view other than theirs.

academic freedom

The freedom of teachers and students to teach, study, and pursue knowledge and research without unreasonable interference or restriction from law, institutional regulations, or public pressure. Its basic elements include the freedom of teachers to inquire into any subject that evokes their intellectual concern; to present their findings to their students, colleagues, and others; to publish their data and conclusions without control or censorship; and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. For students, the basic elements include the freedom to study subjects that concern them and to form conclusions for themselves and express their opinions

Some Academic Freedom links.

Google search

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed - Official Site

The Playground for Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Super Trailer)

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Monday, March 16, 2009

[Fcalerts-list] Weekly Knox Update

Three items for this weeks update:

1. Rights Activists Shooting Themselves in the Foot
2. No More Land for Gun Banning NPS
3. You Are a Radical Extremist and a Potential Terrorist (because you're a good citizen)

The Myth of Mandatory Training

(March 12, 2009) Rights activists are shooting themselves in the foot whenever they advocate for mandatory training for concealed carry, and they're shooting themselves in the foot a lot lately. There is absolutely no question that all gunowners, especially those who choose to carry in public, need to take their responsibilities seriously and seeking out quality training is just the beginning of the responsibility.
  But legislating training is a seriously bad idea.  If it is reasonable and prudent to mandate training for concealed carry, why would it not be reasonable and prudent to mandate training for open carry?  If that is reasonable, what about mandating training for anyone wishing to even own a firearm, and mandatory training for anyone who lives in a home with a firearm?  If mandatory training makes sense, then what is the argument against mandatory storage requirements?  The bottom line is that firearm safety is a matter of personal responsibility and that responsibility can not and should not be legislated by government. Personal responsibility is, by definition, personal.
 The idea of mandatory training stems from the huge and disturbing assumption that the people have no common sense of their own and must be led to sensible behavior by the government.
  To read the entire article, go to the following link:
or just go to our home page at:


No More Land to National Park Service
There is a major lands bill pending in the US House which would add a bunch of land to the National Park Service.  The bill has already passed the Senate and has come up a couple of times in the House only to be beaten back by gunowner's objections. 
As long a the National Park Service maintains its anti-gun policies and regulations they should not be given authority over one more square inch of US soil.
Contact your Representative and tell them to oppose S.22 - No more land to the NPS until they adopt gun regulations similar to those of the National Forest Service and BLM.
Gun Owners of America has taken the lead on fighting this legislation.  More information can be found at their web site:


You Are a Dangerous Extremist!

A state-sponsored law enforcement "intelligence" organization in Missouri has apparently produced a document vilifying virtually anyone who disagrees with the government about taxation, gun rights, the Federal Reserve, or any other Constitutional issue. The report leaps from assumption to assumption with the ease of the most adept conspiracy theorist and concludes that since neo-Nazis, skin-heads, and the KKK tend to oppose taxes, support the Second Amendment, and question government authority, everyone who does any of those things is automatically suspect as a racist extremist and a potential terrorist.
Read more here:
or just look for the story on our home page at:

Please forward this information to people who should be interested and post it on your favorite forums and bulletin boards.

This is a message from The Firearms Coalition Alerts list.  It is never
sent without a subscription and confirmation. 

If you have issues or questions about this or any message originating from the domain, please forward it with all message headers to abuse[at]

To unsubscribe, follow the link below.  To change your address, unsubscribe
your existing address and resubscribe from the new one.


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Friday, March 06, 2009

Stop the Push to Silence Free Speech

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

I have just taken action to stop the attacks on our Free Speech
Rights, and I'm asking that you join with me by clicking here:

+ + Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?

Will 2009 usher in a fanatical push to re-instate the so-called
Fairness Doctrine? Such a move would effectively silence the
conservative voice and remove the last conservative stronghold
against a fast-moving liberal agenda.

Scott, One need only read the words of Dianne
Feinstein to see the true threat to conservative speech that is
brewing on the horizon!

             "Talk radio tends to be one-sided. It also tends to
             be dwelling in hyperbole. It's explosive. It pushes
             people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of
             information ... I'm looking at the [Fairness Doctrine]...
             Unfortunately, talk radio is overwhelmingly one way."

Recognizing this threat, the Media Research Center has created
the Free Speech Alliance which is a coalition of organizations
and citizens strongly opposed to any such move to limit or
undermine our Free Speech Rights!

Please take a moment right now to join the hundreds of
thousands of Americans who oppose the Fairness Doctrine and
all that it stands for by clicking here:

Thanks for joining with me.


P.S. If the liberal voice in America has their way, the Fairness
Doctrine will end conservative talk--including Rush, Sean,
Laura, Mark, and a host of others. Take action today by clicking

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Union Bosses Are Secretly Meeting with Biden

Dear Right to Work Supporter:

The battle in Congress over forced unionism and the so-called "Card Check" scheme is heating up dramatically, and it's vital I have your help today.

As I write you today, right now, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are meeting behind closed doors with ALL of America's top AFL-CIO union brass at their "Executive Council" meeting in Miami, Florida.

My sources tell me at the top of the agenda is how to ram the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill through Congress as soon as possible.

As you know, this disastrous compulsory unionism power grab would eliminate the secret ballot in workplace unionization drives and would subject millions of American workers to union intimidation and demands to pay union dues or be fired from their jobs.

Make no mistake -- giving union bosses even more compulsory unionism power in the middle of an economic crisis is a prescription for disaster.  And giving union bosses hundreds of millions of dollars in additional compulsory union dues will enable them to gain a hammerlock on Congress for years to come.

You can bet the Pelosi-Reid Congress won't give us advanced notice of their strategy. 

The intelligence I'm picking up from union websites suggest that Congressman George Miller (D-CA) intends to introduce Card Check Forced Unionism next week and put it on a fast track.

Once the bill is introduced, it could come to a floor vote at any time.  That's why it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT we have your support NOW!

The 2.2 million member National Right to Work Committee may not have much time left to galvanize the American public against this forced unionism power grab.  We are already ramping up our targeted mail, email, and phone mobilization to bring grassroots pressure to bear against the critical swing votes in the U.S. Senate.

Frankly, I believe we CAN ultimately stop this bill in the Senate and strike a major blow against Big Labor's overreach.  But it won't be easy.

There's no time to lose.

Will you make a gift of $100, $200, or even $500 to help the National Right to Work Committee mobilize Americans against this draconian bill - before it's too late?

If that seems like a lot, please give $75, $50, $25 or any amount you can spare.  Whatever you do, please don't delay.  Click here to join our cause now.

Your support and involvement could very well be the difference between holding a Senate filibuster... or giving a green light for Big Labor to force millions more Americans into their forced dues-paying ranks.

Mark Mix, President
National Right to Work Committee
P.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are in a secret strategy meeting right now with top AFL-CIO union brass, as they plot to ram through the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill. 

Union boss allies in Congress intend to reintroduce this disastrous forced unionism power grab in a matter of days and put in on the fast track.  The National Right to Work Committee must have the resources to mobilize grassroots America to sustain a Senate filibuster.

That's why it's vital you make a $500, $200, $100, $50, or $25 contribution to the National Right to Work Committee today. 

Please click here to contribute to the National Right to Work Committee now.


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation.  The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892.  The mailing address for the Committee is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA 22160.  Its web address is

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Unprecedented Power Grab

Dear Scott,

In a closed-door meeting Tuesday, President Obama told over 100 top union officials that "we will pass the Employee Free Choice Act."

It's now clear that President Obama, Big Labor, and their left-wing allies in Congress, will attempt an unprecedented power grab that is a mortal threat to our economy and our democratic values.

This is being done in a stealth manner because its backers know that this bill will not pass if the American people understand its destructive nature.

To expose and stop this effort, I've joined American Solutions as National Chairman of our "Freedom Not Fear" campaign, and you can join us by signing our petition here.

The Employee Free Choice Act, or "Card Check," would eliminate the right to vote by private ballot when deciding whether to join a union, and it would undermine the right to freely negotiate contracts.

We can't tolerate this. We must stand for freedom, not fear in the workplace.

We cannot afford to be intimidated. Please stand with us now.

This is about protecting our fundamental right to vote privately without coercion.

It's about protecting the right of employers and employees to negotiate freely.

It's about allowing businessmen and women, not bureaucrats and union bosses, to run our businesses.

And in the end, it's about saving and protecting American jobs.

Please sign the petition now.


Saul Anuzis
National Chairman, Save American Jobs Project
American Solutions

P.S. Big labor has already spent hundreds of millions of dollars to push through this coercive, job-killing bill. And they are prepared to spend millions more. With your generous financial support, we will run a grassroots, internet-based campaign to get our message directly to the American people. Can you chip in $10 or more today to help us organize this state-by-state grassroots effort?


Paid for by American Solutions for Winning the Future. Not authorized by any candidate, or candidate committee. Not printed at government expense.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Third Jihad

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The Third Jihad - The FREE 30-Minute Version

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Monday, March 02, 2009

Gun Ban Repeal Passes Senate -- Battle Now In The House

Senate Repeals D.C. Gun Ban By Large Vote
-- But the fight in the House is just beginning

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Monday, March 2, 2009

By a resounding vote of 62 to 36 last week, the U.S. Senate has approved
an amendment, offered by Senator John Ensign of Nevada, to repeal the
D.C. gun ban.


But the battle is not over.

This week, the House will take up the D.C. voting legislation. And
anti-gun Speaker Nancy Pelosi is angling to impose a "gag rule" on the
House, so that D.C. gets its unconstitutional representative, while
continuing its draconian anti-gun laws (like microstamping).

So here's the deal: The House will be asked to consider a "rule" which
establishes the time for debate and provides for which amendments may be
considered -- and which may not.

It is expected that the Pelosi rule will seek to deny the House any vote
on the D.C. gun ban and thereby strip the repeal of the ban from the
House bill.

So what we are asking you to do is to write and/or call your congressman
and demand that he oppose any rule that strips the D.C. gun ban repeal
from the D.C. voting bill.

Just to remind you of how draconian the D.C. gun law is:

* Following the Supreme Court's decision in Heller declaring the law to
be unconstitutional, D.C. made a few cosmetic changes which will, as a
practical matter, allow it to continue to deny its citizens the right to
keep and bear arms.

* Then, the City Council passed a whole series of new anti-gun measures.
These include a requirement that most guns used for self-defense
"microstamp" fired casings in two places with a "unique serial number."

Aside from being ineffectual with respect to stolen guns or crimes where
the brass has not been left behind, this microstamping provision is
intended to make guns so expensive that they won't be available anywhere
-- including your state.

ACTION: Write your Representative and urge him or her in the strongest
terms to oppose any rule which will strip the gun ban repeal from the
D.C. voting bill.

You can go to the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative the
pre-written e-mail message below.

You can also call him or her toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

----- Prewritten Letter -----

Dear Representative:

This week, when the House takes up the D.C. voting legislation, please
vote against any rule that strips the Senate's pro-gun language and/or
imposes a "gag rule" on members of the House.

Just to remind you of how virulently anti-gun the D.C. gun law is:
Following the Supreme Court's decision in Heller declaring the law to be
unconstitutional, D.C. made a few cosmetic changes which will, as a
practical matter, allow it to continue to deny its citizens the right to
keep and bear arms.

But, in addition, the City Council passed a whole series of new anti-gun
measures. These include a requirement that most guns used for
self-defense "microstamp" fired casings in two places with a "unique
serial number."

Aside from being ineffectual with respect to stolen guns or crimes where
the brass has not been left behind, this microstamping provision is
intended to make guns so expensive that they won't be available anywhere
-- including my state.

I urge you, in the strongest terms, to oppose any rule that makes it
impossible for you to vote on the D.C. gun ban repeal.



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