Monday, September 10, 2007

HR 2640: Consider the source

Recently the NRA  has both denied and defended their support for HR2640, the McCarthy gun control bill that would disarm many in America -- including many of our veterans. 
Read more about this bill (sponsored by Democrat Patrick Leahy in the Senate) at:
The following are quotes from other sources on this bill.  That any of these rabid anti-gun members members of Congress support this bill should give cause for pause, but with all of them backing it gun owners should be quite leery.
In a deal brokered by former NRA-board member Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) and blessed by the National Rifle Association, a bill introduced earlier this year by gun control advocate Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) to improve the NICS was modified at the last minute and passed by the House with much fanfare and little outside analysis.
--Josh Sugarmann, Mental Health Gun Bill Has Hidden Problems, The Huffington Post, July 26, 2007

With the NRA on board, the bill, which fixes flaws in the national gun background check system that allowed the Virginia Tech shooter to buy guns despite his mental health problems, has a good chance of becoming the first major gun control law in more than a decade.
-- NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

"We ll work with anyone, if you protect the rights of law-abiding people under the second amendment and you target people that shouldn't have guns," NRA chief Wayne LaPierre told CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Atkisson.
-- NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

"When the NRA and I agree on legislation, you know that it's going to get through, become law and do some good," says Schumer.
-- NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

(The Politico) On the day President Bush is set to receive a report on April s deadly Virginia Tech shooting, Congress took steps to pass the first piece of federal gun control legislation in 13 years.
--Patrick O'Connor, Schumer Predicts Smooth Senate Sailing For Gun Bill, The Politico, June 13, 2007

"I came to Congress in 1997 in the wake of my own personal tragedy," she said. "Today&we are one step closer to reducing the needless deaths from gun violence." (Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.))
--Patrick O'Connor, Schumer Predicts Smooth Senate Sailing For Gun Bill, The Politico, June 13, 2007

Don't faint, but the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence have joined forces behind a bill regulating the sale of firearms.
-- Gun reform with NRA blessing, The Denver Post, June 17, 2007

The NRA is the nation's largest gun-rights group. But its support for the new bill actually reflects the NRA's long-standing belief that existing gun laws should be enforced before new ones are written. That's exactly what the McCarthy/ Smith/Dingell bill would do.
-- Gun reform with NRA blessing, The Denver Post, June 17, 2007

Also pending in Congress is a Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2007, geared to require criminal-background checks for all firearm transactions at events where guns change hands.
This has drawn criticism from groups such as the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action, which said the measure "masquerades as reform imposing bureaucratic restrictions aimed at shutting down gun shows without fixing real problems." The NRA, however, has supported some of the proposed federal changes.
--Anna M. Tinsley, Gun control back as national issue, The Seattle Times, August 16, 2007

The difference is that the NRA endorsed the background check improvements, boosting its chances of becoming the first major national gun control law in more than a decade.
--Andrew Taylor of Associated Press, NRA Challenges Gun-Control Democrats,, June 27, 2007

The House voted Wednesday to fix flaws in the national gun background check system that allowed the Virginia Tech shooter to buy guns despite his mental health problems.
The legislation, passed by voice vote, was endorsed by the National Rifle Association, boosting its chances of becoming the first major gun control law in more than a decade.
--Jim Abrams, Associated Press, House Tempers Background Checks for Guns,, June 14, 2007

The NRA worked closely with Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., a gun rights proponent and senior House member, in crafting the new bill. The NRA insisted it was not gun control legislation because it does nothing to restrict legal rights to buy guns.
--Jim Abrams, Associated Press, House Tempers Background Checks for Guns,, June 14, 2007

Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to significantly strengthen the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.
--Jonathan Weisman, Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check Bill, Washington Post, Sunday, June 10, 2007; Page A02

By contrast, this agreement is a marriage of convenience for both sides. Democratic leaders are eager to show that they can respond legislatively to the Virginia Tech rampage, a feat that GOP leaders would not muster after the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. Meanwhile, the NRA was motivated to show it would not stand in the way of a bill that would not harm law-abiding gun buyers.
--Jonathan Weisman, Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check Bill, Washington Post, Sunday, June 10, 2007; Page A02

Now in her fifth term, McCarthy can see the light. Spurred by the massacre of 32 people by a gunman at Virginia Tech in April -- and in a rare collaboration with the National Rifle Association -- the House passed legislation that would provide money for states to collect and maintain records on the mentally ill, with penalties if states don't comply.
--Lois Romano, A Long-Sought Advance for a Gun-Control Bid Born of Sorrow , The Washington Post, Jun 14, 2007, A.25

McCarthy said the bill in essence enforces a 1968 gun-control measure that prohibits the sale of firearms to those adjudicated as mentally ill. She gives major credit to Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), a former NRA board member, for negotiating with the organization, because she was a bit wary.
--Lois Romano, A Long-Sought Advance for a Gun-Control Bid Born of Sorrow , The Washington Post, Jun 14, 2007, A.25

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

Direct Office Line 970-842-3006
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