Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama Confirms Illegal Alien Amnesty Coming Soon

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Last Wednesday, Obama promised Hispanic Caucus an Illegal Alien Amnesty Coming Soon!

Pelosi calls enforcement "un-American"

Help us Smash Amnesty and "re-educate" Pelosi


Last week was hell week for immigration enforcement. If you care about this issue, please read this entire email carefully, and then take every step your friends here at NumbersUSA ask. Here's the update:
1. On Wednesday, President Obama seemed to rent out his immigration policy to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Mexican government.

2. And on Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was caught on tape saying that immigration enforcement agents are "un-American" when they acted to enforce the laws.

Maybe you'll want to rub your eyes two or three times and re-read the above paragraphs.

Statements like "renting out" his foreign policy to the Mexican government are pretty alarming. We at NumbersUSA are usually careful to avoid heated rhetoric.

But read the details on the NumbersUSA web site, and you'll see while I HAVE to let off some steam this time!

Need to learn more about NumbersUSA? Go here.
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After spending the first weeks of his term engulfed by the financial mess, Obama has decided it's time to make nice with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. He met with them Wednesday in California. After the meeting, the White House issued a press release saying Obama promised the Hispanic Caucus to push ahead soon with the same "Immigration Reform" i.e. Illegal Alien Amnesty that McCain and Kennedy were promoting back in 2007.

Obama also said he would soon be traveling to Mexico soon to meet with Mexico's President Calderon to work out U.S. immigration policy. That sounds like Obama is going to let the country responsible for sending us the most illegal aliens re-write America's immigration laws. What's next?

And did you hear about the House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi's wild statement last Saturday? She called our immigration enforcement officials "un-American" for daring to deport some illegal aliens. (This was actually caught on tape.) Aren't we supposed to be deporting illegal aliens?

Do you see where this is heading? The administration and Democratic leaders in Congress have removed all doubt about where they stand.

Amnesty for the 11-12 million illegal aliens is inevitable, unless we act now.

Please take all these actions today:
1. Go to Send a no-cost fax telling the President Obama that you will never agree to an Illegal Alien Amnesty.

2. Phone the White House switchboard and tell them what you think! White House switchboard number is: 202-456-1414. And call your members of Congress (we provide phone numbers here. Let's break the switchboards today!

3.Make a gift to NumbersUSA so that we can ramp up our efforts right now, as the fight grows deadly earnest.

I need 2,000 of our citizens dedicated to U.S. border enforcement to Click Here To Donate and donate in the next 24 hours. NumbersUSA's members sent 167,000 faxes yesterday alone! This wonderful service is free of charge to our members, but obviously it costs us money.
If this is your first donation, even better! At least 1/3 of the 2,000 donations we need in the next 24 hours must come from friends who have never given before.

So please, click and help us this month. We've got our perfect record on stopping illegal alien amnesties to protect. And it's time to "take the fight to the enemy!"
Click Here To Donate

NOTICE: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.


Vice President, Operations
Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

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