Saturday, August 30, 2008

[Fcalerts-list] Clearer Choice

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For months GunVoters have been frustrated by party politics as usual with an inexperienced, ultra-liberal, anti-gun, Democrat pretending to be a moderate, pro-Second Amendment, pragmatist; and a "maverick," moderate, inconsistent on guns, Republican running hard toward the middle and doing little to reassure GunVoters.

Now that both candidates have introduced their choices for Vice-President, the picture has cleared up substantially.

Barack Obama's choice is Joe Biden of Delaware. Biden is an old-school, party machine, liberal Democrat with a long and unvarnished record of support for virtually any legislation restricting the rights of gunowners. Biden brags that he was one of the original architects of the "assault weapons" ban, and has been on the wrong side of almost every gun vote in his extremely long career in the Senate. That lifetime membership in the most exclusive millionaires' club in the world - the U.S.Senate - also throws a bit of a wet rag on Obama's 'new politics, changing Washington' rhetoric. Biden's foreign policy experience includes several votes and positions that are in direct conflict with Obama's votes and positions, and that is going to become an issue before November.

On the other side of the card, John McCain went out on a limb and tapped a first-term governor from Alaska, Sarah Palin. Palin is a no-nonsense, staunch conservative with a reputation for having the courage of her convictions and for holding politicians and bureaucrats responsible for their actions regardless of their party affiliations. Palin hunts and fishes and is a strong supporter of gunowner rights. While her lack of experience raises some questions, the fact that she is running in the back seat with almost as much experience as Barack Obama, makes it tough for the Democrats to be too critical. McCain can be expected to draw a comparison between an experienced pilot commanding a plane with a rookie co-pilot, and putting a rookie in command. Ready to lead versus ready to step in if needs be is a pretty dramatic difference. Of course that's a difference that was completely lost on New York Senator and anti-gun zealot, Chuck Schumer. Schumer immediately pounced on McCain's pick as inexperienced and not ready to lead...

Obama's choice of Biden should erase any doubt as to the Democrat's position on guns and individual rights, and it should raise doubts about his commitment to change in Washington.

McCain's choice of Palin should seriously bolster the lackluster support he's received from the conservative base and particularly invigorate pro-gun, pro-hunting, and pro-life activists. At the same time, Palin broadens the tent simply by the fact that she is a woman.

The bottom line is that these VP candidates make the choice for President much clearer than it has been to this point and should make this a much more interesting race.

As always though, we must keep in mind that the President can only do as much harm or good as the Congress allows. It is critical that GunVoters get involved and active in the races for Senate, House, state legislatures, and Governor. As Obama and Palin both dramatically highlight, little politicians grow up to be big politicians so a candidates position on gun rights matters in every election at every level.

As the political season heats up, it is more important than ever that you go to and share the information you have about candidates and learn what you can about others. can be an invaluable resource in this and future elections, but only with your help.

The latest edition of the Hard Corps Report is at the printer's and should hit mailboxes in a couple of days. If you don't subscribe yet, send us your snail-mail address and we'll let you sample it for free. Just drop a note to info at FirearmsCoalition dot org.

Please forward and repost this alert as widely as possible.

Yours for the Second Amendment,
Jeff Knox
Director, The firearms Coalition


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Monday, August 25, 2008

Record Numbers of Illegals Returning to Mexico

As a personal testimony to this, one of my coworkers told me Saturday morning that all the Mexicans on his street have left and most of the houses are empty. I heard a month or so ago one of the school districts saying enrollment for the upcoming semester is down so much that they were going to have to lay off some staff and possibly close a couple of schools! Maybe we won't have to spend many millions of dollars on "bi-lingual education" now.

A few months ago Arizona passed an employers sanction act, all the advocates for cheep illegal labor have been bitching and trying to sue to stop the law but in the mean while the illegals are leaving because they are loosing their jobs. Our HOA lost the landscaping company we had last year and I'm sure it was because all their workers were illegals. None of them I saw spoke English.

If you immigrate here you should at least learn to speak English. My Great Grand father came from Germany in 1893 and learned the language of the land and did not teach his children to speak any German. He knew it was important to be successful in his country to speak English. He is the only one of our ancestors we have been able to trace out of America after 1800. Some of them have been here since before 1700. Unfortunately most of our family from the southern states can't be traced back much before the civil war because all the records were burned and other wise destroyed if they were kept at all.

=============================================================== Alliance

(see details below)


Fox News is reporting that streams of illegal immigrants are heading
home to Mexico. In fact, the report said the exodus numbers are the
highest they've been in decades!

So why are they leaving?

For years we've heard the excuses that our nation cannot
possibly round up 13-20 million illegal aliens. For years
we've answered their excuse saying "we don't have to."

Scott, as this report suggests, if the Federal government
enforces existing immigration laws by taking away jobs, housing, and
social benefits illegal aliens will leave on their own.

So far this year 1.3 million have decided the grass is greener in
their homeland. And since last August, the illegal immigrant
population has dropped 11 percent!

Of course the media suggest the exodus is due to a soft economic
market, and/or an "unjust" tightening of the laws.

I disagree. I believe grassroots Americans like you and I are making
all the difference in the world.

We are tired of footing the financial bill for illegals. We are sick
of losing our jobs to illegals, and we are pushing back.

This is the result. Our "no more!" attitude is resonating--but we
must continue to press in on our elected officials--demanding existing
laws are enforced, double-layered fencing is built as promised.

Scott, this battle won't be won until all of our
borders are secure and every person living in the United States
is here legally.

++ Alert Your Friends

This is precisely the kind of message that needs to
resonate throughout the land--especially to those who
say we can't fix the problem. Well, the truth is we can,
and we are.

Please forward this message to 25-30 friends and family
urging them to take action with you by clicking below and
signing our petition:

By the time the November elections arrive, I need an army of at
least 750,000 citizens mobilized and ready to take action against
the next anticipated push to open our borders, and I'm counting
on you to help!

So Scott, pat yourself on the back for a job well-done, and
then forward this message to your friends. Help me keep our team strong
and vigilant right through the finish line!


++Help Grassfire Secure the Fence:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
To contact with comments, questions or to change
your status, see link at the end.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network
of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real
impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not
tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Platform Comfirms Dems Still ‘Don’t Get it’ About Gun Rights, Says CCRKBA



BELLEVUE, WA The 2008 Democratic Party's draft platform confirms that the party still doesn't get it about Second Amendment gun rights versus the Utopian fantasy that gun control laws will somehow make neighborhoods safer, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

While promising to preserve our Second Amendment rights, said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, the party platform demonizes semiautomatic sport utility rifles and wants them banned, calls for anti-gun show legislation and proposes so-called common-sense gun laws. Many Democrats believe bans on most guns are common sense and they still support the handgun ban in Barack Obama's hometown of Chicago. Boiled down, all it really means is that the Democrats are still the party of gun control no matter how they try to re-package the rhetoric, and they know it.

Gottlieb, co-author of a new book called These Dogs Don't Hunt: The Democrats War on Guns, said the party is shamelessly telling American gun owners that they embrace the rights of millions of shooters, hunters and gun collectors, but there's a caveat.

The party's gun control platform plank puts the lie to everything they say, he added. As Democrats descend on Denver to nominate a candidate who is on record in opposition to sensible concealed carry laws, we encourage gun owners across the country, and especially in Colorado, to remind the party that the Supreme Court in June held that gun bans are unconstitutional. Yet here they are, calling for a ban on so-called assault weapons even after years of experience tells us that Bill Clinton's ban accomplished nothing, and cost the party control of Congress in 1994.

Democrats want to regulate gun shows out of business, he continued, even after a study done for the Justice Department found that gun shows are rarely the source of firearms used by criminals. Gun shows provide a forum, a gathering place for law-abiding gun owners to discuss ideas and issues, and share constitutionally protected freedoms of speech, assembly and the right to keep and bear arms. Increasingly, Democrats seem averse to the exercise of these rights by anyone who does not share their philosophy. And this is the party of inclusion?

Democrats have an opportunity to reject and repudiate this platform, Gottlieb concluded. If they do not, that tells American gun owners everything they need to know about Democrats as November approaches.


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Copyright © 2008 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005Voice: 425-454-4911
Toll Free: 800-426-4302
FAX: 425-451-3959

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